Calpeda BSM2F 2NMM 2/A/A 2x0,75kW 230V pressure booster set

Automatic pressure station with two pumps with a ball valve, a non-return valve on the suction and a ball valve on the discharge, suitable for the installation of two 20 liter pressure vessels. Suction and discharge pipes are made of AISI 304 stainless steel. See more

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Pressure booster sets - horizontal
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Product variants


Calpeda 2-NM, NMD pressure booster set with 2 centrifugal pumps

  • Technical Specifications
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Product description


  • With microprocessor control for constant speed pumps
  • With frequency converter control for variable speed pumps
  • The device is equipped with a manometer and two adjustable differential pressure switches


  • BS 2F Constant speed pumps
  • Depending on the pressure drop in the system, the pressure switches determine the gradual starting of the pumps, the operation of which is controlled by the microprocessor
  • BS1V1F Variable speed pumps with one frequency converter
  • According to the flow requirements, the pumps, one with variable speed and the other with constant speed, are started to provide the required amount of water at a constant pressure
  • BS2V Variable speed pumps with two frequency converters
  • According to the flow requirements, the pumps, both with variable speed, are started to provide the required amount of water at a constant pressure


  • For pumping water from a well or borehole
  • To increase the pressure of the distribution network (follow local regulations and consult with the owner of the water supply)


  • 2-pole asynchronous motors, 50 Hz, n = 2900 1/min
  • Three-phase:
  • 230/400V ± 10% up to 3kW
  • 400/690V ± 10% above 4kW
  • Single phase:
  • 230V ± 10% with thermal protection
  • Insulation class F
  • Degree of protection IP 54
  • Constructed in accordance with: IEC 60034
  • Other voltages and frequencies on request

Pressure vessels (on request)

  • During installation, the outlet must be connected to membrane or pressure vessels