Franklin Electric
E-TECH 4 VS 4 stainless steel submersible pumps without motor
Technical Specifications
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 100
- Maximum head [m]
- 25 - 278
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 0.37 - 4
from 111.04 € VAT included
- Brand:
- Franklin Electric
- Category:
- Submersible borehole pumps
- Product No.:
- MAS001486
Product variants
- Franklin Electric 4 VS 4/04 hydraulic part without motor (0,37kW)
- ZB00067442
- 100
- 25
- without motor
- 0.37
- 70
- 17
- 5/4
- 4
- NO
- 40
- 2
- 95
- noryl
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 111.04 €
- Check availability
- Franklin Electric 4 VS 4/07 hydraulic part without motor (0,55kW)
- ZB00067443
- 100
- 45
- without motor
- 0.55
- 70
- 29
- 5/4
- 4
- NO
- 40
- 2
- 95
- noryl
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 124.86 €
- Check availability
- Franklin Electric 4 VS 4/10 hydraulic part without motor (0,75kW)
- ZB00067444
- 100
- 64
- without motor
- 0.75
- 70
- 42
- 5/4
- 4
- NO
- 40
- 2
- 95
- noryl
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 165.47 €
- Check availability
- Franklin Electric 4 VS 4/14 hydraulic part without motor (1,1kW)
- ZB00067445
- 100
- 89
- without motor
- 1.10
- 70
- 59
- 5/4
- 4
- NO
- 40
- 2
- 95
- noryl
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 176.90 €
- Check availability
- Franklin Electric 4 VS 4/18 hydraulic part without motor (1,5kW)
- ZB00067175
- 100
- 114
- without motor
- 1.50
- 70
- 80
- 5/4
- 4
- NO
- 40
- 2
- 95
- noryl
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 5 pcs
- 213.39 €
- Franklin Electric 4 VS 4/27 hydraulic part without motor (2,2kW)
- ZB00067446
- 100
- 170
- without motor
- 2.20
- 70
- 114
- 5/4
- 4
- NO
- 40
- 2
- 95
- noryl
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 2 pcs
- 246.84 €
- Franklin Electric 4 VS 4/40 hydraulic part without motor (3.7kW)
- ZB00067448
- 100
- 252
- without motor
- 3.70
- 70
- 166
- 5/4
- 4
- NO
- 40
- 2
- 95
- noryl
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 289.42 €
- Check availability
- Franklin Electric 4 VS 4/44 hydraulic part without motor (4kW)
- ZB00067449
- 100
- 278
- without motor
- 4
- 70
- 185
- 5/4
- 4
- NO
- 40
- 2
- 95
- noryl
- centrifugal
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 307.56 €
- Check availability
Variant Product No.
Price (VAT incl.)
Franklin Electric 4 VS 4/04 hydraulic part without motor (0,37kW)
Product No.: ZB00067442 Sale group: CEFR Manuf. No.: 602040401050063
111.04 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 100
- Maximum head [m]
- 25
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 0.37
- Rated flow [l/m]
- 70
- Rated head [m]
- 17
- Delivery port ["]
- 5/4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 4
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 2
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 95
- Impeller material
- noryl
- Construction
- centrifugal
Franklin Electric 4 VS 4/07 hydraulic part without motor (0,55kW)
Product No.: ZB00067443 Sale group: CEFR Manuf. No.: 602040701050063
124.86 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 100
- Maximum head [m]
- 45
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 0.55
- Rated flow [l/m]
- 70
- Rated head [m]
- 29
- Delivery port ["]
- 5/4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 4
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 2
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 95
- Impeller material
- noryl
- Construction
- centrifugal
Franklin Electric 4 VS 4/10 hydraulic part without motor (0,75kW)
Product No.: ZB00067444 Sale group: CEFR Manuf. No.: 602041001050063
165.47 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 100
- Maximum head [m]
- 64
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 0.75
- Rated flow [l/m]
- 70
- Rated head [m]
- 42
- Delivery port ["]
- 5/4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 4
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 2
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 95
- Impeller material
- noryl
- Construction
- centrifugal
Franklin Electric 4 VS 4/14 hydraulic part without motor (1,1kW)
Product No.: ZB00067445 Sale group: CEFR Manuf. No.: 602041401050063
176.90 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 100
- Maximum head [m]
- 89
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 1.10
- Rated flow [l/m]
- 70
- Rated head [m]
- 59
- Delivery port ["]
- 5/4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 4
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 2
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 95
- Impeller material
- noryl
- Construction
- centrifugal
Franklin Electric 4 VS 4/18 hydraulic part without motor (1,5kW)
Product No.: ZB00067175 Sale group: CEFR Manuf. No.: 602041801050063
213.39 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 100
- Maximum head [m]
- 114
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 1.50
- Rated flow [l/m]
- 70
- Rated head [m]
- 80
- Delivery port ["]
- 5/4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 4
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 2
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 95
- Impeller material
- noryl
- Construction
- centrifugal
Franklin Electric 4 VS 4/27 hydraulic part without motor (2,2kW)
Product No.: ZB00067446 Sale group: CEFR Manuf. No.: 602042701050063
246.84 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 100
- Maximum head [m]
- 170
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 2.20
- Rated flow [l/m]
- 70
- Rated head [m]
- 114
- Delivery port ["]
- 5/4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 4
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 2
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 95
- Impeller material
- noryl
- Construction
- centrifugal
Franklin Electric 4 VS 4/40 hydraulic part without motor (3.7kW)
Product No.: ZB00067448 Sale group: CEFR Manuf. No.: 602044001050063
289.42 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 100
- Maximum head [m]
- 252
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 3.70
- Rated flow [l/m]
- 70
- Rated head [m]
- 166
- Delivery port ["]
- 5/4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 4
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 2
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 95
- Impeller material
- noryl
- Construction
- centrifugal
Franklin Electric 4 VS 4/44 hydraulic part without motor (4kW)
Product No.: ZB00067449 Sale group: CEFR Manuf. No.: 602044401050063
307.56 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 100
- Maximum head [m]
- 278
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 4
- Rated flow [l/m]
- 70
- Rated head [m]
- 185
- Delivery port ["]
- 5/4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 4
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 2
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 95
- Impeller material
- noryl
- Construction
- centrifugal
Product description
- Municipal water works, fountains and waste water
- Water distribution and pressure boosting
- Irrigation and sprinkler systems, water treatment plants, filtration and reverse osmosis
- Industrial cooling and processing
- Mining industry, drainage and dewatering
- Fire-fighting equipment
- Water supply to and from tanks, reservoir and wells
- Lifting and distribution of a wide range of liquids
- Autoclave and cistern charge and discharge
- Turf and landscape
- Greenhouses and nurseries
- Residential and farm wells and drainage
- Food industry
- General industry
- Compact, reliable and suited to operate in horizontal position.
- Built-in check valve to protect the pump against water hammer risk.
- Floating impellers to grant a better performance and longer life for the pump against abrasion.
- The hydraulic design is such to enhance the overall efficiency thus reducing energy consumption and making the pumping systems more cost effective.
Technical Specifications
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 100
- Maximum head [m]
- 25 - 278
- Input voltage [V]
- without motor
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 0.37 - 4
- Rated flow [l/m]
- 70
- Rated head [m]
- 17 - 185
- Delivery port ["]
- 5/4
- Pump diameter ["]
- 4
- Drinking water certificate
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 2
- Maximum borehole diameter [mm]
- 95
- Impeller material
- noryl
- Construction
- centrifugal