PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA67.5 400V 50Hz, connection 6", drainage pump with automatic float switch
Technical Specifications
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 2,166.67
- Maximum head [m]
- 32
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 7.50
- Brand:
- Category:
- Wastewater pumps
- Product No.:
- ZB00055360
- Sale group:
- EAN:
- 8596455000822
Product variants
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA21.5 400V 50Hz, connection 2", drainage pump with automatic float switch
- ZB00055352
- 500
- 21
- 3x400
- 1.50
- 2
- 25
- NO
- 3.50
- 40
- 15
- 8.50
- 68
- NO
- NO
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse 1 pcs
- 963.93 €
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA22.2 400V 50Hz, connection 2", drainage pump with automatic float switch
- ZB00055353
- 533.30
- 25
- 3x400
- 2.20
- 2
- 25
- NO
- 5
- 40
- 15
- 8.50
- 68
- NO
- NO
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 1,035.16 €
- Not sellable online
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA32.2 400V 50Hz, connection 3", drainage pump with automatic float switch
- ZB00055354
- 916.60
- 18.50
- 3x400
- 2.20
- 3
- 25
- NO
- 5
- 40
- 15
- 8.50
- 68
- NO
- NO
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse 1 pcs
- 1,081.54 €
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA23.7 400V 50Hz, connection 2", drainage pump with automatic float switch
- ZB00055355
- 600
- 32
- 3x400
- 3.70
- 2
- 25
- NO
- 7.70
- 40
- 15
- 8.50
- 68
- NO
- NO
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 1,504.93 €
- Not sellable online
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA33.7 400V 50Hz, connection 3", drainage pump with automatic float switch
- ZB00055356
- 1,000
- 29
- 3x400
- 3.70
- 3
- 25
- NO
- 7.70
- 40
- 15
- 8.50
- 68
- NO
- NO
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 1,519.57 €
- Not sellable online
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA43.7 400V 50Hz, connection 4", drainage pump with automatic float switch
- ZB00055357
- 1,583.30
- 18
- 3x400
- 3.70
- 4
- 25
- NO
- 7.70
- 40
- 15
- 8.50
- 68
- NO
- NO
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 1,552.59 €
- Not sellable online
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA45.5 400V 50Hz, connection 4", drainage pump with automatic float switch
- ZB00055358
- 1,750
- 23
- 3x400
- 5.50
- 4
- 25
- NO
- 11.40
- 40
- 15
- 8.50
- 68
- NO
- NO
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 1,834.57 €
- Not sellable online
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA47.5 400V 50Hz, connection 4", drainage pump with automatic float switch
- ZB00055359
- 1,466.67
- 41
- 3x400
- 7.50
- 4
- 25
- NO
- 15
- 40
- 8
- 11.50
- 68
- NO
- NO
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse 1 pcs
- 2,516.87 €
- Not sellable online
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA67.5 400V 50Hz, connection 6", drainage pump with automatic float switch
- ZB00055360
- 2,166.67
- 32
- 3x400
- 7.50
- 6
- 25
- NO
- 15
- 40
- 8
- 11.50
- 68
- NO
- NO
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse 0 pcs
- 2,540.09 €
- Not sellable online
- PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA411 400V 50Hz, connection 4", drainage pump with automatic float switch
- ZB00055361
- 1,440
- 48.50
- 3x400
- 11
- 4
- 25
- NO
- 22
- 40
- 8
- 11.50
- 68
- NO
- NO
- submersible
- NO
Product availability
- central warehouse 2 pcs
- 3,217.33 €
- Not sellable online
Variant Product No.
Price (VAT incl.)
PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA21.5 400V 50Hz, connection 2", drainage pump with automatic float switch
Product No.: ZB00055352 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455000914
963.93 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 500
- Maximum head [m]
- 21
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 1.50
- Delivery port ["]
- 2
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 3.50
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 15
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 8.50
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA22.2 400V 50Hz, connection 2", drainage pump with automatic float switch
Product No.: ZB00055353 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455000907
1,035.16 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 533.30
- Maximum head [m]
- 25
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 2.20
- Delivery port ["]
- 2
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 5
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 15
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 8.50
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA32.2 400V 50Hz, connection 3", drainage pump with automatic float switch
Product No.: ZB00055354 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455000884
1,081.54 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 916.60
- Maximum head [m]
- 18.50
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 2.20
- Delivery port ["]
- 3
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 5
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 15
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 8.50
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA23.7 400V 50Hz, connection 2", drainage pump with automatic float switch
Product No.: ZB00055355 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455000891
1,504.93 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 600
- Maximum head [m]
- 32
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 3.70
- Delivery port ["]
- 2
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 7.70
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 15
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 8.50
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA33.7 400V 50Hz, connection 3", drainage pump with automatic float switch
Product No.: ZB00055356 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455000877
1,519.57 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,000
- Maximum head [m]
- 29
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 3.70
- Delivery port ["]
- 3
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 7.70
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 15
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 8.50
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA43.7 400V 50Hz, connection 4", drainage pump with automatic float switch
Product No.: ZB00055357 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455000853
1,552.59 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,583.30
- Maximum head [m]
- 18
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 3.70
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 7.70
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 15
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 8.50
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA45.5 400V 50Hz, connection 4", drainage pump with automatic float switch
Product No.: ZB00055358 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455000846
1,834.57 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,750
- Maximum head [m]
- 23
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 5.50
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 11.40
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 15
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 8.50
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA47.5 400V 50Hz, connection 4", drainage pump with automatic float switch
Product No.: ZB00055359 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455000815
2,516.87 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,466.67
- Maximum head [m]
- 41
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 7.50
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 15
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 8
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 11.50
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA67.5 400V 50Hz, connection 6", drainage pump with automatic float switch
Product No.: ZB00055360 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455000822
2,540.09 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 2,166.67
- Maximum head [m]
- 32
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 7.50
- Delivery port ["]
- 6
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 15
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 8
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 11.50
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
PUMPA blue line PRO PSXA411 400V 50Hz, connection 4", drainage pump with automatic float switch
Product No.: ZB00055361 Sale group: CEBLP EAN: 8596455000860
3,217.33 €
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 1,440
- Maximum head [m]
- 48.50
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 11
- Delivery port ["]
- 4
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 22
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 8
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 11.50
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO
Product description
PUMPA Blue Line PRO PSXA Pump Application
- water drainage in the fields of civil engineering, such as mines, quarries
- suitable for drainage of flooded rooms
- pumping of reservoirs, ponds, septic tanks, rainwater collectors
PUMPA Blue Line PRO PSXA Pump Features
- Reversing protection to ensure correct rotation of the impeller.
- Impeller opening or jamming protection to prevent accidents.
- Automatic stop in case of overfilling or non-standard voltage and resuming operation after 5 min.
- The pump stops running when it reaches a high temperature and starts automatically when it cools down to the safe temperature.
- Adjustable height of the water detector for better operation control and stopping the pump.
- The pump stops operating within 60 seconds from the moment the water level reaches below the level of the detector, it remains idle for 180 seconds
and then, if the water level rises above the level of the detector, it resumes operation. - Quick overview of pump operation and fault history.
Technical Specifications
- Maximum flow [l/min]
- 2,166.67
- Maximum head [m]
- 32
- Input voltage [V]
- 3x400
- Power output - P2 [kW]
- 7.50
- Delivery port ["]
- 6
- Maximum immersion depth [m]
- 25
- Float switch
- NO
- Maximum current [A]
- 15
- Maximum liquid temperature [°C]
- 40
- Cable length [m]
- 8
- Maximum particle size [mm]
- 11.50
- Protection [IP]
- 68
- Automatic thermal protection
- Dry run protection
- Speed control
- NO
- Capacitor
- NO
- Construction
- submersible
- Grinder
- NO